Andy B

  • Name : Andy Boyd
  • When did you join Radio law:  Round about 1998
  • Why did you choose to volunteer at Radio Law: I was doing my Queens/Duke of Edinburgh award for six months at the station and never left
  • What’s your Favourite Music: I don’t think I have a favourite listen to Pop, Rock, Classical, Musicals and whatever else I happen to like at the time.
  • What’s your show time and what are patients likely to hear during your show: Luckily for the patients and for the rest of the listeners I don’t have a show time. Im only rolled out for special occasions and normally under very close SUPERVISION!!!!
  • What do you do in your spare time: Recently lots of Radio Law stuff, spend time with the family, DIY and before the current lockdown (this was written during isolation) Ice Hockey watching the Glasgow Clan!!
  • Anything else you would like to add: Ive put my daughter in the picture as she loves coming to the fun days Christmas, Easter etc its like a big family at Radio Law and we have all known each other for a long time. Im also the annoying one of the team!!

Craig M

  • Name: Craig Miller
  • When did you join Radio law: 2006
  • Why did you choose to volunteer at Radio Law: I was admitted to the Royal Hallamshire Hospital in Sheffield as a result of a RTC. I was a patient for over six weeks and during this time I was immobilised, so my only entertainment was Northern Radio (now Sheffield Hospital Radio). I joined Radio Cavell in Oldham in February 1993 and when I moved to Scotland in 2005 I joined Radio Law.
  • What’s your Favourite Music: Probably the 80s: Talking Heads; The Smiths. Even some 90s dance music. Also like Kylie Minogue and Johnny Cash. So quite varied really.
  • What’s your show time and what are patients likely to hear during your show: Friday’s from 7pm-9pm with Matthew. I have segments for
  •         * Musical biography
  •         * On this Day In History
  •         * Friday Night Quiz
  •         * The Wishy Weather
  •         * Football latest scores and fixtures for Saturday
  •         * Super Stevie Track (Stevie Wonder)
  •         * Disney Singalong Favourite Track
  •         * Music is very mixed from Country to Beatles to 80s pop
  • What do you do in your spare time: Radio Law and running
  • Anything else you would like to add: Hope you enjoy listening to Radio Law. Give me a call on extension 6836 or 01698 373773 if you would like a request during my Friday evening show.


  • Name:  Christopher
  • When did you join Radio law: 2020
  • Why did you choose to volunteer at Radio Law: It’s a good way to be involved in helping people in hospital feel a bit cheerier. The radio is a great source of company and knowing that Radio Law is broadcast in from the hospital itself and patients and staff can request songs or contribute helps build a sense of community. I also like the interaction with folk.
  • What’s your Favourite Music: My show is called “All That Jazz” and that is exactly what I play. I like classic swing jazz and music from the big band era, some bossa nova and more modern jazz vocalists. I play a variety on the show and am always looking for local jazz musicians who have new music out that we can feature on the show.
  • What’s your show time and what are patients likely to hear during your show: It starts at noon on Mondays and 11pm on Wednesdays and runs for an hour. Listeners will hear a selection of jazz music, sometimes with a focus on one artist or one featured album, but sometimes more of a general medley. The music is sometimes slow and easy going but other times it is a bit pacier –hopefully it is relaxing, even for people who don’t see themselves as jazz fans. The sorts of artists played commonly include Miles Davis, Chet Baker, Glenn Miller, Dinah Washington, Sarah Vaughan and Madeleine Peyroux. There is some talk, mostly to explain the background to the music, but it’s a music show first and foremost.
  • What do you do in your spare time: I like walking in the hills around Lanarkshire.


Declan G

  • Name : Declan Gordon
  • When did you join Radio law: Training in 2019, Officially in 2020
  • Why did you choose to volunteer at Radio Law: Was a patient at University Hospital Wishaw for years, so looking to give back
  • What’s your Favourite Music: Rock and Metal
  • What’s your show time and what are patients likely to hear during your show: Currently Wednesdays, 12pm – 2pm, and I cover the wonderful world of Scottish Football. From League Two to the SPFL, and any European action!
  • What do you do in your spare time: I am a university student, an avid gamer and gig attendee

Emma W

  • Name: Emma W
  • When did you join Radio law: October 2005
  • Why did you choose to volunteer at Radio Law: Saw a sign in the window while visiting my gran in hospital and though I would give it a go !
  • What’s your Favourite Music: I like a lot of different music , 80’s, Disney, musicals, pop, very cheese pop and lots more
  • What’s your show time and what are patients likely to hear during your show: I don’t have a show time, Im only rolled out for special occasions, you will probably hear at least one Westlife!
  • What do you do in your spare time: I like to go out with friends and spend time with my god daughter and visit Disney.

Gill D

  • Name : Gill Duncan
  • When did you join Radio law: January 2019
  • Why did you choose to volunteer at Radio Law: For a new challenge and oh boy was it a challenge!! Not just for me but for the folk training me
  • What’s your Favourite Music: very varied rock, ballads, 80’s, Disney, musicals, pop, cheese pop
  • What’s your show time and what are patients likely to hear during your show: I don’t have a show time, Im only rolled out for special occasions,, hear stuff they never knew they needed to know, great music and blethers
  • What do you do in your spare time: Holidays and eat preferably together

Greg Mac

  • Name : Greg Mac
  • When did you join Radio law: My first stint was about 2007-2012 then work got in the way, but I’ve been back since 2016!
  • Why did you choose to volunteer at Radio Law: I initially volunteered as part of my Queens Badge and Duke of Edinburgh with the Boys Brigade, really enjoyed it so stayed on when I had completed them. Work unfortunately got in the way so I had to have a wee break, but I’m glad I’m back as I love presenting and entertaining the patients!
  • What’s your Favourite Music: I really do love a mixture of music, from modern pop, anything from 80’s, the odd musical number and cheesy songs….to name a few genres!
  • What’s your show time and what are patients likely to hear during your show: I don’t have a show time, Im only rolled out for special occasions, – there will be a total variety of music, I’ll have my song of the month, entertainment news and also anecdotes and stories from the life of Greg!
  • What do you do in your spare time: I am a social butterfly, so I like going out to eat, drink and oh coffee! I’m still involved in the Boys Brigade too.
  • Anything else you would like to add: Here in the picture you can see me talking with my hands. I tend to do that, even though no one is standing in front of me that Im talking too!! 

Steven Gardiner

  • Name – Steven Gardiner
  • When did I join – 2020
    What’s your favourite music – I like anything from Beethoven to basshunter ,would listen to any type of music like a variety
    Why did you join – I have always done wee bits here and there for charity but seen an opportunity to come and be a volunteer and thought why not give something back to somewhere that’s always been there for me
    What’s your showtime and what’s your listener’s likely to hear-im on every Thursday for Stevie gees throwback Thursday where I play mostly songs from the last century 1950s to 2000s Falshback top ten, Weekly riddles, Song for the staff at UHW
    Local football and a few jokes that you’ve all heard before just some fun radio
    What do you do on your spare time – I’m a master butcher to trade where I work full time and stay with my partner Cheryl and our two boys I enjoy darts,golf,football and long walks I do the kiltwalk every year and love music

Rod Marshall

  • Name – I’m Rod Marshall your new presenter on Radio Law.
  • When did I join – 2023
  • You can tune into me every Sunday between 10am – 11am and 9pm-10pm. When I bring you great Christian up-to-date music along with my story, testimony and the artists life stories. I have been a radio presenter for about 14 years starting with Caleb Radio then moving to in Cumbernauld where I started out alongside my fellow broadcaster Neil Smith. I was then asked to do a show that didn’t clash with any other so hosted Rod’s Laughter Show for about to years then progressed to Cutting Tracks with Rod Marshall. Unfortunately cash funding dried up for and the plug was pulled. I still felt God had a work for me to do and so applied to Radio Law and Andy said my type of show Christian Tracks had a place in the station’s schedule for a Sunday. So I hope and pray you all enjoy my show. If you need to contact me it’s Bless you all

Mags Archibald

  • Name – Mags Archibald
  • Why did you choose to volunteer at Radio Law – After retiring I was open to trying new activities so when I saw an advert for volunteering at Radio Law I applied. That was years ago and I’m still here.
  • What’s your favourite music?  – I like individual artists rather than particular types of music. 
  • When is your showtime and what are patients likely to hear during your show?  My showtime is Wednesday 2-4 pm.  Pre covid I liked  going round the wards before my show and getting requests from the patients, their visitors and Staff. Now I get  requests mainly by asking people I meet as I make my way to the studio. 
  • What do you do in your spare time? I like going to the cinema/ theatre, eating out and trying new activities. 
  • Anything else you would like to add?  Give us a listen and think about volunteering with us . 


Niamh L

  • Name: Niamh L
  • Date joined: summer 2023
  • Why: I wanted a good excuse to listen to a lot of music – and I had to find a way to outsource all of my yapping! 
  • Favourite music: My favourite era of music is definitely the 70s – I love Bowie, Fleetwood Mac, The Kinks, Blondie…… 
  • Show time and what you’re likely to hear: I’m on every Wednesday from 6pm-8pm. I usually like to play a bit of whatever’s stuck in my head at the time (along with a lot of chat) which can make for a Varied show – expect the unexpected! 
  • Spare time: When I’m not stuck into spotify, I love watching films (especially if they have a good soundtrack), and being dragged to gigs by my friends 🙂 

Keith Whitton

– Name:

– Date you joined Radio Law:

– Reason for volunteering at Radio Law:

– Favourite Music:

 – Show time and what patients can expect during your show:

– Interests:


 – Name: Danny

 – Date you joined Radio Law: June 2023

 – Reason for volunteering at Radio Law: I was a mobile DJ for over 20 years and always had an interest in showcasing my skills on Radio. I’ve also been supportive of many charities over the years raising thousands to help local organisations. So, when the opportunity appeared on social media to volunteer for Radio Law, both interests aligned perfectly, and now I love entertaining the staff and patients of the University Hospital Wishaw.

– Favourite Music: If you ask the other volunteers, they would tell you I’m the “George Bowie” of Radio Law which came about after I used to dedicate a full hour to big tunes, but I’ve since replaced this for another love of mine which is 90s music, though do expect a few bangers throughout the show. My taste in music is varied and that’s very much reflected in my show, if a song has a feel-good factor to it then it’s a favourite of mine!

 – Show time and what patients can expect during your show: My show is on every Monday evening from 6 until 10. Each week I like to bring a fun, high-energy, and positive vibe to make your visit to the hospital a pleasant one. The show is also fully interactive, I enjoy nothing better than engaging with my audience and giving staff and patients a platform to express themselves and there’s plenty to get involved with! You may even be lucky enough to bag yourself a Radio Law goodie if you do! Everyone also has the opportunity to request or dedicate a song to someone during Jukebox hour between 8 and 9pm.

 – Interests: Graphic Design, Live Streaming, Gaming, Fundraising, Music & Gigs, Watching Telly, Football and spending quality time with the family.

Matthew G

Name Matthew (Matt)

Joined Around March 2018

Reason for volunteering- I began volunteering with Radio Law because I wanted to give something back to the community and entertain patients while there were on the wards, I was also doing my HNC in radio Broadcasting and wanted to gain some professional experience in this area.

What’s your Favorite music. I don’t really have a favorite type of music I like a bit of everythingrock 80s 60s Motown . Some my favorite artists include foo Fighters, Nirvana, Sam Cooke and Elvis.

What is your show time and what are listeners likely to hear- I present with Craig on Fridays between 7 and 9 PM some of our features you can expect are Music Biography,
On this day in history, Wishy weather, Friday night quiz Football Fixtures, Stevie Wonder Track

Hobbies- Include Radio Law, Going gigs and Festivals , reading and cinema